Instruction for Authors

Instructions for Paper Submission

Number of Pages

Authors should submit standard single-column paper as the format given in the down load with the minimum of 10 full pages, and maximum pages of 15 full pages., including figures, tables & references (Additional page charges apply)

Key Words

5–6 keywords


12-point Times New Roman with 1.5 spacing

Page Size

U.S. Letter format (8.5″ x 11″)


Normal (Top :2.54 cm , Bottom: 2.54 cm; Left : 3.18cm , Right: 3.18cm)

Page Numbering


File Format

4MB Maximum


Abstract: abstract – 200 – 250, briefly specifying the aims of the work, the main results obtained, and the conclusions drawn (TNR 12pt).


Use of color is encouraged, but since readers may print the paper in black and white, it is the author’s responsibility to ensure that all figures/plots can be understood when printed in black and white

  • To ensure correct formatting of your manuscript, please use the style file for U.S. Letter Size found at Refer Downloads.
  • Violation of any of the above may result in rejection of manuscript.

Presentation and official Language

  • Conference will be hosted in hybrid mode.
  • If a paper, included into the proceedings, fails to be presented any way at the conference, all authors of the paper will be bar out from paper submission to conferences of the organizers in the future.
  • The official language of the Conference is English.
  • All the camera-ready manuscripts should be submitted in English, and presentations should be made in English.
  • Presentations should be made in English.
  • Authors are instructed to have their presentation content in a USB drive. Conference room is supplied with data projector with PC.
  • Usage of individual laptops are restricted.


  • One best paper will be awarded in each Theme
  • The high quality selected papers will be published in Scopus Indexed Journals with additional cost. The List of identified Scopus journal will be announced in the website shortly.
  • The other each accepted paper will be published in the Non-Scopus journal and conference proceeding with an ISSN that will be distributed at the registration desk.

Peer Review process

The ICSMT-2024 has a double-blind peer-review process. In double-anonymous, neither the author nor the reviewers are aware of each other’s identity. Any paper submitted for the conference is reviewed by minimum two reviewers with expertise in the relevant subject area. The peer review process to be evaluated on the basis of the scope, relevance, originality, technical soundness, language, quality, novelty, quality, etc. The reviewers have been appointed from different institutes (National and international level), and from diverse region. Moreover, those reviewers have expertise and experience to review the manuscript in particular field. Conference peer review occurs within a fixed window of time. All authors are notified of the peer review decision on their paper at the same time. Based on the reviewers’ comments, papers are accepted, rejected or accepted with revision. The number of submissions will determine the number of reviewers required. Plagiarism checking committee initially checks the plagiarism in the submitted paper by plagiarism checking tools.

Plagiarism policy

  • Plagiarism report of more than 10% will be rejected without further notification.
  • The plagiarism will be checked any time during the review process.
  • Authors are insisted to submit their original work without plagiarism.
  • If plagiarism is found, authors will be responsible for any consequences.
  • Authors are responsible for rejection of manuscript based on plagiarism report.

Paper Submission

Authors are instructed to submit their manuscript and Turnitin Similarity report by clicking the link below. The Turnitin plagiarism score of 10 % and below would be accepted. Click here to Submit Your Paper

Copyright form

Transferring copyright is a necessary requirement for publication, except for material in the public domain or which is reprinted with permission from a previously published, copyrighted publication.